Children in year 6 take the Key Stage 2 SATs tests in May. These are much for formal than those taken at the end of year 2, and are held on the same dates across the country under exam conditions.

We aim to support and work hand in hand with local schools to ensure that our tuition is in line with your child’s curriculum in order to provide the best outcomes.
Experts have confirmed that SATs are not about passing or failing, but are used to reflect the level your child is working to – this in itself makes them very important because how well your child performs in the SATs determines what ‘set’ they are placed at in secondary school. One of our previous students expresses with relief how getting placed in a higher set helped them to do well in their GCSE exams:

‘I am glad I was placed in a higher set in my secondary school subjects – because I think that it helped me to keep aiming higher and do better in my GCSEs’

Imagine the uphill battle your child may face if they do not do well in their SATs and as a result get placed in a lower set at Secondary school? We work hard at PTC to ensure each and every student receives the help they need and makes good progression in their understanding and application of the SATs exam. Contact us today to better understand how we can make a positive difference to your child’s start in Secondary and educational progress in general.